Change is good

Something exciting is happening. With the help of the amazing fellas at WordPress I am making the switch. Very soon I will be Self Hosted!

The control icons on the dashboard of Bluehost remind me of years ago, before Grad school, when I had a website (yes I did things backwards, what’s new??).  With self hosting, I will have more flexibility to bring you more information regarding health, wellness, food and rehabilitation. Cool!

During this process I appreciate your patience. The site will be moving at the end of this week into next week. So links, and the site may not function as it should. I should be up and running very soon. However, changes in design and content will be a evolution in process ;).

I will leave you with a follow up to the Not so Berry Happy Post.   This is an article on power foods that help with healing, posted by a fellow Physical Therapist: Six healing Foods.

These hearts are not red.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

K, maybe this isn’t your traditional Valentine’s Day meal or look. But, it has hearts and contains some red. They are just separate, in the form of artichoke heart and tomatoes.

It is my gift to you and your loved one’s heart. 😉 Lots of protein from eggs and low fat cheeses, and nutrients from the veggies. Plus, heart healthy fats from the avocado. This will keep you full and fueled for a while.

You are welcome.

P.S. Stay tuned for another section coming to this site involving surgeries. Starting with the heart…..

Artichoke Hearts and Sun dried Tomato Frittata

Serves 4-6, Prep Time 15 Minutes, Cook Time 25


6 ounces Sun dried Tomatoes

1 can Artichoke Hearts cut

6 ounces Cherry tomatoes

1/2 cup Lite Shredded Mozzarella and Cheddar Cheese

1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese

1/2 Cup Low fat cottage Cheese

1/4 Cup Almond milk

2 garlic cloves minced

Salt and Pepper to taste

8 eggs

Sliced avocado


1. Preheat oven to 350. In a medium bowl gently beat the eggs. Add in garlic.

2. Stir in the cottage cheese, shredded cheese and Parmesan cheese until well combined.

3. Add in tomatoes and artichokes, stir until mixed.

4. Pour into greased oven safe skillet. Cook on medium for 5-6 minutes. Until set, or bubbling begins. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top.

5. Carefully remove skillet from stove top and place in oven. Cook for 10-15 minutes, until Parmesan is golden brown. Remove from oven and let sit for 10 minutes.

6. Cut a wedge and serve with some sliced heart healthy avocado.

Too bad I didn’t have a heart shaped skillet…

Break the Fast all day long


My favorite meal. I can eat breakfast anytime of day. Even for dinner, or dessert. Yep, try it sometime. In fact have your veggies at lunch, and then try this for dinner.

Or, surprise your sweetie with this easy healthy meal for Valentine’s Day. So much better to give tasty healthy food, then a box of sugar and fat (although I must say those dang chocolate boxes suck me in)!

I found this healthy carb loaded meal in Racing Weight, by Matt Fitzgerald. You can purchase this book through amazon here. I added some Trader Joe’s fruit yogurt on top, and Trader Joe’s Veggie Patty on the side for some added protein and sweetness.

Banana Stuffed French Toast adapted from Racing Weight

Serves 2, can be whipped up in 15 minutes


4 slices whole grain bread

1 large egg

1/3 cup Almond milk

1 tsp stevia (or other sugar substitute, can also omit)

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp cinnamon

2 medium bananas, mashed

smidge of butter or coconut oil for cooking


1. Make two sandwiches with the bread and mashed bananas. In a shallow bowl combine the egg, milk, stevia, vanilla extract, and 1 tsp of cinnamon. Whisk to combine.

2. dip each sandwich in the egg and milk mixture and cook in a lightly greased non stick pan over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.

3. Cut in half. Sprinkle remaining cinnamon on top. Top each half with a half container of fruit yogurt.

After you enjoy some French Toast, check out I’m the featured Chef of the Week!

Sometimes not so Berry Happy


Injuries, and life stuff happens. As a Physical Therapist I see a lot of this.  You can’t be active, let alone try to wash your hair or the dishes. Bums you out. Like this kid.

Unlike kids who usually have parents reminding them what they should and should not do. Adults have a tendency to ignore the injury, and keep up with their “to do” list or sport activity.  Or worse, if they are in a cast or brace hobble around with a grimace on their face.

During this time the best thing you can do for yourself is slow down. I know, easier said than done ( I have been there myself). I hear all kinds of complaints when I say this.

The body will heal, but you have to give it the opportunity. Patience is key. (Can’t you hear a little Gun’s and Roses in the background…)


Focus on other things during this down time. Finally finish that book, catch a movie, play a board game with your kids. Eat healing nutritious foods. You will actually heal faster this way.

When you are healed (the amount of time depends on severity and type of tissue injured), add  activity and life things back slowly. Allow the body to adapt and grow strong again.


Soothing Soup

Even though the weather is not super chilly here in So Cal, we still appreciate a warm soup. Maybe a reminder that where I’m from it’s 19 or so degrees out?

Regardless, this soup will warm the soul, help you get over a cold/flu or just keep you full and comfy. Lot of healthy stuff here. Lentils and brown rice for your protein/carb combo, as well as tofu or sausage (depending on your meat eating status), and of course veggies for added nutrients and fiber. As a bonus, you can make it one pot. Less dishes!

Red Lentil Soup with Balsamic Onions

You can check out the recipe here, from Fitness Magazine. The only changes made were adding tofu instead of  sausage to my bowl. And, since we had Trader Joe’s boxed Corn bread mix on hand, Sean made some cornbread with corn nuggets inside. The perfect compliment.

Morning Workouts

At 5 AM can’t say why I do them. In fact I can’t  say much of anything. It’s a bunch of non caffeinated gibberish. My husband can’t understand me. Good thing the gym check in gal recognizes me. She gives me “the nod”, even though my worn out finger print doesn’t work at the check in station (apparently too many years of working with my hands). I give her a blurry eyed glaze as she says  “have a great workout”.  I keep a bunch of not so nice words under my breath, and carry on to whatever is in the plan.


But, I must say the after glow- well worth it.  I bust out of there with endorphin powered energy ready to conquer the day. K, maybe that lasts until I get to the car. However, I feel some of that hard work stays with me all day. I’m calmer (so I think), and I sleep much better (this I know).

Plus, it follows the philosophy a teacher once explained to me over  a decade ago. “If you take care of yourself, then you can more effectively help others around you.” When you work in a health care field taking care of others, or are a mom, husband, brother, aunt, friend,  this is one important lesson to understand.

Please my friends, in this fast paced world take the time to take care of yourself. Not only will you thank yourself, but the people you come in contact with will appreciate and thank you as well.

Need ideas? Where do you start? Check out the Body Tips page, or this quick and easy home workout.

A easy whole body strengthener, before or after work, or while the kiddies are napping.

15 Minute Full Body Strengthener

Complete each exercise to fatigue (approx 12-15 repetitions)  three sets

Bridging (Single or double leg) (pics from an older post)

Push ups (on the knees or not)

Planks with leg kick, and then bring knee to chest (pics from the Healthy Diva)

Triceps dips

not me ;)- source

Mini Lunges with bicep curls with weights or soup cans


Or, check out the Shaky leg workout by Colourful Palate

Remember to stretch when you are finished!

Me 😉

PS-  My healthy Rice and Shrimp bowl was featured on Fit Sugar! Yay!

Sweet things

Sometimes you  just need a little sweetness.

Ok, maybe I need to clarify. I need a little (or a lot) of sweetness, and my husband can take it or leave it. Hmmm, I  just don’t understand.

Anyways, I’m always on the look out for “healthier” desserts to satisfy the craving without tons of sugar and fat.

Two words- Cinnamon Cake. Soooo much healthier than a Cinnabon….. Plus, there is a little protein hidden in there to slow the insulin spike. Inspired by Nourish and Flourish.


1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup Oatbran

3/4 cup sugar 0r 3/4 Splenda granulated

1 tsp baking powder

1tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp slat

1 cup non fat plain yogurt

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 tbsp coconut oil

2 Tbsp water

2 eggs

2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder

1 Tbsp cinnamon

Streusel Topping

1 Tbsp cinnamon

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/8 Tsp salt

1/2 cup quick oats

1 Tbsp butter


1 cup powdered sugar

3 Tbsp almond milk

1/2 tsp vanilla


1. Preheat oven to 350. Coat a 13 X 9 baking dish with cooking spray.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the oat bran, whey protein, stevia (or sugar), baking powder, baking soda, and salt. stir to blend.

3. In a separate mixing bowl, combine yogurt, eggs, applesauce, oil and water. Stir until smooth. Add wet ingredients to dry, stir to blend. Spread evenly in pan.

4. In a small bow, stir together cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla and salt. Add oats add stir to blend. Add butter and rub in with fingers until mixture is moist crumbs. Sprinkle evenly over batter, can even swirl into batter with knife.

5. Bake 25 minutes, allow to cool before cutting into 12 pieces.

6. While cooling mix icing ingredients. This is a thin glaze, to cut down on sugar. If you desire a thicker glaze add more powdered sugar, or even try the vanilla protein powder. Then pour icing over cooled cake.

Computer Feng Shui

Silence. Stillness. Serenity.

That’s how I feel after a yoga practice.  Ok, adding another resolution. Try to recapture this feeling more frequently through out the day.

All I know is I have moved past the madness of reinstalling my whole computer. This explains the M.I.A in posts. My computer is now Feng Shui’ed, and moving quite quickly thank you very much.

Not to worry Karma will come back around for those Virus writers…… Thank goodness for support from iyogi.

Anywho, moving along. So this little recipe find from Eating Bird Food hits the sweet spot craving (can you say cinnamon oatmeal cookie) , or is the perfect recovery fuel following yoga (or any other workout). I just copied this recipe right from her site.

Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie (Copied From Eating Bird Food)


  • 1/2 – 1 frozen banana (note- peel your bananas before you freeze them)
  • 3/4 -1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 3 Tablespoons old fashioned oats
  • 1 scoop vanilla brown rice protein powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg


  1. Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, add a little more almond milk.
  2. Pour into a glass or bowl (depending on whether you want to use a spoon or straw) and top with 1 Tablespoon of dried fruit, nuts or other topping.

**You can make this smoothie with half of a banana and less almond milk but it’s even better with one full frozen banana and 1 cup of almond milk

Yoga is…

Practicing Stillness of the body,

Practicing Stillness of the mind.


Portabello Mushroom and Tofu Burgers


Today is a guest post from my husband Sean who cooked and created a healthy and delicious dinner for us: Portabello Mushroom and Tofu Burgers. Check it out.


I love burgers. Ever since I was a kid they have been my favorite food. But I have begun to realize (in no small part due to the influence of my wife) that beef burgers can be very heavy on the digestive system. So when I discovered 10 easy burger recipes in Mens Health magazine I decided to try substituting mushrooms and tofu instead of beef.

Portabellos offer a similar juicy flavor when seasoned with a little Southwest Smokey Rub. I sauteed the portabellos in light oil, garlic and seasoning. Let the tofu marinade for an hour in Hoison or garlic soy sauce. Sear the tofu so it is slightly brown. I used my wife’s sprouted multi-grain bread lightly toasted. Top with fresh sprouts avocado and shredded cheese or a slice of muenster.  I like to spread on a seedy whole grain dijon with mustard seeds. We also had some sweet potato fries on the side. Just slice the sweet potatoes, place on a pan with a little olive oil and sea salt and bake until crispy.


One life long meat eater meets one vegetarian of 14 years. After they date for 5 years they move in together, and 3 years later finally get married.

We are asked all the time. How does it work?  Do you always cook separately?

First of all I have a very open minded husband, who is willing to try things like tofu or a complete meal with no meat.  But, one can only take that so long. As a compromise we do half and half a lot. See the half and half pizza, he surprised me with.

This recipe another example. Actually, a great meal to start the New Year if one of your resolutions is to eat healthier with more veggies. Or this is a great new one to try if you are looking for a variety with your veggies. Plus, you can make half vegetarian and half for the meat lover.

(Step 4)

This recipe was uncovered from a underutilized cook book on the shelf, Vegetarian, taking advantage of comforting winter veggies, tofu, and of course meat.

Vegetable Crumble, adapted from Vegetarian.

Serves 8, prep time 20 minutes, total time  60 minutes


8 medium sized potatoes (if you are a big fan throw a couple more in the pot)

1 Tbsp butter

8 oz leeks, sliced

1 lb carrots, chopped

2 (or 3 if your Italian Winking smile ) garlic cloves crushed or minced

3 cups mushrooms thinly sliced

1 lb Brussels sprouts, sliced

salt and ground black pepper to taste

2 turkey sausage links (large size) sliced

1 block of firm tofu chopped


1. Add the potatoes to a pot of lightly salted water. Bring them to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes, until just tender.

2. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large pan. Add the leeks and carrots and cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 minutes. Add the garlic and mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally for 3 minutes more.

3. Add Brussels sprouts to the pan. Season to taste with pepper. Transfer the vegetable mixture to a approx 10 cup ovenproof dish.

4. Place a layer of tofu on one half and sausage on the other.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 degree C/400 degree F. Drain the potatoes and cut them into approx 1/2- 1 inch slices. Arrange them in an even layer on top of the other vegetables.

6. To make the crumble wash your hands and then get them dirty. Pour four into a bowl and rub in the butter with your fingertips (or use food processor). Add the breadcrumbs, and mix in the grated Cheddar, parsley, and mustard powder. Spoon crumble mixture evenly over the vegetables and bake for 20-30 minutes.

PS – ignore the 200 degree C comment in cookbook if you live in US (unless you want to bake like using a slow cooker, who does that?? no one I know…..)

This recipe linked up at This Chick Cooks!